Thursday 14 February 2013

"Dan kami menguji kamu..."

She felt sad. Alone. Empty. Frankly speaking, she didn't really what she felt. A mixture of all the bad feelings. She wiped her tears and tried her best to stop crying.

She then picked up the holy Quran and opened the page from when left off yesterday. She read the whole page and then read the meaning of those 'ayat'.

"Dan kami menguji kamu dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan & kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan sampailah kabar kepada orang-orang yang sabar

(iaitu) orang-orang yg apabila ditimpa musibah mereka berkata 'Inna lillahi  wa inna ilaihi raji'un (sesungguhnya kami milik Allah dan kepada-Nyalah kami kembali'

Merekalah yang memperoleh ampunan & rahmat dari Tuhannya dan merekalah orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk)

(Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 155-157)

She read those three 'ayat' over and over again. Tears of……sadness and happiness rolled down her cheeks. She felt like God immediately responded. She felt like God was there. All along. She was grateful for that. More than grateful. 

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