Sunday 21 April 2013

"Fate and your dream can collide"

Fate and your dreams can collide - Joe Brooks
         What Joe Brooks said is true. Fate and your dreams can collide if you hold on to whatever you want to achieve tightly.  Maybe you think it's impossible. Maybe it's unreachable. But if you hold on and never gave up, your dreams can collide with fate.

          This has been proved to me last year. The day Joe Brooks replied to me. But nahh, let's not talk about last year. Let's talk about yesterday :)

          So urm..I sent a dm to Joe Brooks yesterday. I did it...for fun. Didn't even expect his reply. My thought when I sent the dm was 'Why am I spamming him? It's not like he's gonna reply' So I just ignored the dm I sent to him and continue doing things what I left.

        The next day, I opened twitter as usual. I checked my dm for other reasons. Then baam! I saw his name on the dm thingy. I saw his reply. I was kinda shaking. I was smiling to my cheeks. Felt like screaming but tried not to scream cuz I don't want my neighbours to think that I'm crazy haha. The experience of Joe Brooks replying your dm is just indescribable. Serious talk.

        And I told myself "It's okay that I can't go to his concert, at least he noticed my existence"

        Well not only that. I found out that he sent a dm to my other account (aka my fan account). Hehehe. Then he favourited my tweets twice. Ahhh he's like the best artist ever! Noticing his fans.

       As a conclusion, I still couldn't believe that he replied to my dm, sent a dm and favourited my tweets twice. I really hope he'd win the competition so he can go to Australia!

Peace and Love xoxo. (bajet gaya joe cehh)

Saturday 13 April 2013


That moment when you think about the past but you're not sure whether it did really happened or you were just making it up but the proofs of the memories are still there...

Thursday 4 April 2013

Hlovate, friends and Joe Brooks ツ

End of April. Seriously can't wait for it. And I hope they will turn out greater than what I expect 'em to be. is the title and the above part related? Well...

Me and most of the library prefect are going to PWTC at the end of this month. A few days before one of my friend's birthday. And I'm planning to give birthday gifts to all my friends on that day, InsyaAllah.

And guess whaaaaaat? I just found out that Hlovate just released a new book! Not a story book. Nor a novel. But it's a book filled with her quotes from her past novels. And it only costs about RM10!!

Annnnnndddd. Finally. People say that The Boy and The Broken Machine aka tbatbm will be released on the 1st of May. Hope so. Joe had postponed the release of this album....for a few times already. Hope he won't postpone it again :((

Wanna see the cover of tbatbm? It's just so cute :') 

See I told you already. So cute ah? ;p hahaha.

And oh yeah, before I forgot, I heard that Joe will be back in Malaysia next month. So excited. Even though I know I won't be going to his concert :( Sad lyfe I know :p But yeah, at least he will be coming to Malaysia okay? hehehe.

Okay enough of this nonsense. Hehe kthanksbyee